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Digital Video Processing

COURSE: Digital Video Processing

Code: ФЕИТ05005

ECTS points: 6 ECTS

Number of classes per week: 3+0+0+3

Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Zoran Ivanovski

Subject of the course content:

Spatial and temporal sampling of video signals. Motion estimation and compensation. Noise filtering. Motion compensation filtering. Digital video restoration. Superresolution techniques. Deinterlacing. Conversion of signals sampled on different lattices. Frame-based image and video compression. Content-dependent video coding: Shape coding; Texture coding; Object-based coding; Knowledge-based coding. Video compression standards. Postprocessing techniques for compression artefacts detection, estimation and suppression. Advanced segmentation techniques and multi-level representation. Videostreaming. Compressed domain video processing. Digital television.


  1. Yao Wang, Joern Ostermann, and Ya-Qin Zhang, “Video Processing and Communications”, Prentice Hall, 2002
  2. M. Tekalp, “Digital Video Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1995
  3. Charles Poynton, “Digital Video and HD: Algorithms and Interfaces”, ELSEVIER Inc., 2nd ed., 2012
  4. V. Bhaskaran, K. Konstantinides, “Image and Video Compression Standards”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997