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Digital Relay Protection

Course title: Digital Relay Protection

Code: FEIT04Z022

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 3+2+0+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: Passed: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Course goals/Competences: Introduction to the hardware and software of modern digital relay protection and its application for protection the elements of the power system (generators, transformers, transmission lines, busbars). Selection of systems of advanced relay protection, its testing and operation

Total available number of classes: 180

Curriculum: Introduction: basic characteristics of digital relays. Comparison of digital protection with previous generations of relay protection (electromechanical, static). Introduction to digital technology and digital signal processing. Concept and designs of digital protection: Hardware components of digital relays. General structure of hardware of the digital relays. Relay interface. Operating environment of digital relays. Algorithms of digital relays: Algorithm for overcurrent relays. Algorithm of differential relays. Algorithm of distant relays. Algorithm for measuring the impedance. Fault Locator using the apparent reactance. Compensation remote faults. Exact compensation capacity of the lines. Testing of numerical relays: Hardware of the devices for testing numerical relays. Digital simulation of faults in the power system. Standards for typical digital relays: Electrical environment, and one-way and alternating voltage source. Isolation. Electromagnetic compatibility. Design of digital protection of generators. Selection of digital protection of generators. Design of digital protection of power transformers. Selection of digital protection of power transformers. Design of digital protection of power transmission networks. Selection of digital protection of power transmission networks. Design of digital protection of distributed networks. Selection of digital protection of distributed networks. Design of digital protection of electric motors. Selection of digital protection of electric motors. Design of digital protection of busbars. Selection of digital protection of busbars. Conventional control systems. The concept of advanced coordinated and control system. Operation of the system. Benefits of control systems with digital relay protection.



Compulsory literature







Mito Zlatanoski

Digital Relay Protection, internal script




Group of Authors

Power System Protection, Volume 4: Digital protection and signalling





Network Protection & Automation Guide