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Automatic Control 1

Course title: Automatic Control 1

Code: 3ФЕИТ01Л021

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 2+2+1+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: None

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Introduction to linear continuous-time control systems theory and acquiring the necessary skills to analyze such systems.

Total available number of classes: 180

Course Syllabus: 1. Introduction: basic notions and definitions, examples, classification and mathematical models of systems. 2. Linear continuous systems analysis: models in time and complex domain, differential equations, transfer function, block diagram models. 3. Linear continuous system characteristics in time and frequency domain. 4. Linar continuous systems transient and steady-state performance: system response, transient and steady-state performance indices. 5. Linear continuous control systems: proprortional, integral and differential control, control system dynamics. 6. Stability of linear continuous control systems: algebraic and frequency criteria, root locus method. 7. State space analysis of linear continuous control systems. 8. Multivariable control systems.


Required Literature







Norman S. Nise

Control Systems Engineering

Скопје,  Датапонс (превод на македонски)