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Electric Circuit Theory

Course title: Electric Circuit Theory

Code: 3ФЕИТ05Л038

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 3+2+0+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: Passed: Fundamentals of electric circuits

Course Goals (acquired competencies): The course is a continuation of the course Basics of electrical circuits and aim to provide students with an opportunity to expand mathematical basics in the area of electrical circuits.  On these basics students can build their knowledge from other areas in electrical engineering and information technology. With successful completion of the course students will be able to: make a general analysis of electric circuits with a complex topological structure; to analyze the circuits by applying the Laplace transform; to analyze unbalanced three-phase circuits and short circuits using symmetrical components; to analyze circuits with distributed parameters in a sinusoidal steady-state mode.

Total available number of classes: 180

Course Syllabus: Basic definitions and laws: circuits elements, Kirchhoff’s laws, power classifications (overview). Graphs, matrices and circuit theory. General analysis of electric circuits: nodal equations and mesh equations. Circuit analysis with Laplace transform. Transfer function: definition, relation with impulse response.  Theorems of electrical circuits: Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, superposition theorem. Electric networks: N-port networks: the y parameters, the z parameters Three-phase circuits: unbalanced three-phase circuits, symmetrical components, short circuit calculation using symmetrical components. Transmission lines: wave equations, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, reflection, standing waves, transmission line as two-port network.