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Electronic Circuits Design Practicum

Course title: Electronic Circuits Design Practicum

Code: 3ФЕИТ05Л030

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 0+0+3+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: None

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Understands technical specifications and component selection principles. Designs for testing and debugging. Knows basics of electromagnetic compatibility. Applies CAD tools for simulation and PCB design. Generats production documentation. Performs assembling and testing.

Total available number of classes: 180

Course Syllabus: Introduction: from idea to realization. Specifications analysis. Physical components selection (Internet and local suppliers search). CAD working environment and libraries setup. Entering electronic schematics. Links between symbols and physical components. Engineering rules control of the schematic, simulation. Introduction to PCB production. PCB component placement. Automatic and manual wire routing. EMC issues. Generating production documentation. Component physical placement and soldering. Final testing.


Required Literature







Daniel Schöni

Schaltungs- und Leiterplattendesign im Detail

ISBN 978-3-7392-1871-7