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High Voltage Engineering 2

Course title: High Voltage Engineering 2

Code: 3ФЕИТ09Л024

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 3+2+0+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: None

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Introduction to the characteristics of lightning strokes, protection of power facilities, power stations, substations and overhead lines, insulation coordination, methods of analysis, simulation and modeling, switching over-voltages and surge protection.

Total available number of classes: 180

Course Syllabus: Introduction. Basic concepts and definitions. Field of study. Lightning – sources of storm surge and its features. Protection against direct lightning hits. Protection of buildings, overhead lines and power plants. Wave propagation in transmission lines. Wave refraction and reflection. Petersen's rule. Spark gaps and surge arresters. Insulation coordination. Grounding and impulse resistance. Modeling. Protection of substations from traveling waves. Switching surges in power systems. Surges in switching reactive elements and long lines. Application of Matlab/Simulink for over-voltage analysis. Modeling and calculations.