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Introduction to Telecommunications

Course title: Introduction to Telecommunications

Code: 3ФЕИТ10З009

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 3+1+1+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: None

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Familiarization with the basic types of signals in the communication systems, their characteristics and their transmission through linear systems. Familiarization with the concepts of information and entropy of a source of information and entropy coding. Familiarization with the basics of analog modulation and demodulation. Familiarization with noise and its impact on analog modulations. Familiarization with the basics of time and amplitude discretization. Familiarization with digital modulation techniques and the impact of noise impact on the transmission. Familiarization with the transmission media. Familiarization with layered architecture and telecommunications networks. Familiarization with the basic protocols and protocols used on the Internet. Familiarization with the types of telecommunication networks and recognizing their basic technical characteristics.

Total available number of classes: 180

Course Syllabus: Introduction to information-communication technologies. Periodic and aperiodic signals and their spectrum. Transfer function and impulse response to a linear system. Ideal transmission of telecommunication signals. Random signals. Basic distributions of random signals. Correlation functions and spectra of random signals. Sources of information and concept of entropy, entropy coding, and procedures for optimal coding. The notion of protected coding. Amplitude and angular modulation. Bandwidth of amplitude and angular modulated signals. Demodulation of amplitude and angular modulated signals. Demodulation by an envelope detector. Random noise. White Gaussian noise and its features. Signal-to-noise ratio in telecommunication systems. Sampling theorem. Impulse amplitude modulation (IAM). Uniform quantization. Mean squared quantization error. Impulse code modulation (PCM) and baseband transmission of PCM signals. Criterion for transmission without distortion. Probability for error of binary signals. Digital Modulation Procedures. PAM, PSK, FSK, QPSK. Optimum receiver for M-array digital signals in presence of Gaussian noise. Probability of error in PAM, M-array PSK and QAM. Transmission media: copper cables, optical fibers, free space propagation. The concept of channel capacity. Multiplexing, switching and multiple access. Telecommunication networks. The layered architecture of telecommunication networks. Communication protocols. Internet Protocol (IP). The format of the IP packet. Types of Internet Protocol and their comparison. Optical Networks. Basic types of access technologies (ADSL, DoCSiS, FTTx) and their characteristics. Architecture of mobile telecommunication networks. Technical features of mobile telecommunication networks (2G, 3G and 4G). Future directions in information-communication technologies.


Required Literature







J. G. Proakis, M. Salehi

Communications systems engineering

Prentice Hall



Ray Horak

Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook




T. Anttalainen, V. Jääskeläinen

Introduction to Communication Networks

Artech House


Additional Literature







A. L. Garcia

Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures
