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Overhead Transmission Lines and Cables

Course title: Overhead Transmission Lines and Cables

Code: 3ФЕИТ09З015

Number of credits (ECTS): 6

Weekly number of classes: 3+2+0+0

Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: None

Course Goals (acquired competencies): Acquiring knowledge on the selection, sizing and design of overhead and cable lines. Comprehend the construction and design principles for overhead lines, as well as basis for selection and verification of cable lines loading.

Total available number of classes: 180

Course Syllabus: Introduction. Field of ​​study. Basic concepts. Elements of overhead lines (conductors and cables, insulators, poles, grounding), their purpose and characteristics. Mechanical calculation: climatic factors, temperature, wind, winter additional loads. Catenary equation and parabola. Sag, tension, forces. Tension state equation and its solution. Critical span, critical temperature, limit span, ideal span. Basic tower dimensions: safety distances, heights and distances, crossings and approaches, protective zone. Tower grounding, typical forms. Atmospheric surges and protection. Design and construction of overhead lines - general principles, choice of route, allowed spans, tensions, assembly tables, templates. Computer aided design. Power cables: construction, role, categories, labeling, cable heating and cooling. Selection of cable type and conductor size - criteria. Cable lying, joints, terminations. Cable exploitation. New trends and cable technologies.