Power Networks
Course title: Power Networks
Code: 3ФЕИТ09Л009
Number of credits (ECTS): 6
Weekly number of classes: 3+2+0+0
Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: None
Course Goals (acquired competencies): Acquiring knowledge on power networks. Familiarity with power network elements and their equivalent circuits. Mastering methodologies for solving radial and meshed networks, as well as dimensioning of power networks.
Total available number of classes: 180
Course Syllabus: Field of study. The role of power networks. Power network categories. Forms of power networks. Power network elements and their equivalent circuits. Loads. Circuit parameters shift over transformers. Per unit system. Solving a single line. Voltage drop and power losses. Solving radial and meshed networks. Classical and matrix procedures. Design of power networks. Voltage and reactive power flow control. Energy losses in power networks. Cost-benefit analysis.