Transmission and Distribution Power Systems
Course title: Transmission and Distribution Power Systems
Code: 3ФЕИТ09З019
Number of credits (ECTS): 6
Weekly number of classes: 3+2+0+0
Prerequisite for enrollment of the subject: Taken course: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Course Goals (acquired competencies): Introduction to electric networks, purpose and design, parameters and replacement schemes. Solving radial, loop and closed complex networks by way of calculation (conventional and computer-oriented procedures). Calculation of power losses and energy. Techno economic analysis.
Total available number of classes: 180
Course Syllabus: Basic concepts and definitions of network, system and consumer. Task and role of power networks. Classification and division. Topology of electrical power networks (EPN). Elements and constructive performance. Replacement schemes and their parameters. Consumption. Attic. Working with relative units (pu). Solving radial networks. Solving complex loop and closed networks - classical and computer-oriented procedures. Dimensioning. Loss of power and energy in EPN. Basics of techno-economic analysis.